date: | The date associated the first data point in the file is included in the figure name,
following the csv file name.
speed: | This column contains the ground speed computed by the GPS receiver (in meters/sec) and is
plotted by the third trace in red (sFile) of the lower plot. The plots above did not include
this third trace since no speed data was included in the data file. As before speed is still
calculated from the lat/lon data and plotted by the 2nd trace in purple (sCalc). At this scale,
the red and purple traces look pretty much the same, but zooming in will show that there are
differences because of the different way that speed is calculated.
course: | This column contains the true course computed by the GPS receiver and is plotted in red on the
upper plot. As before, course is still calculated from the lat/lon data and plotted in cyan.
In this case, the two course traces are so similar that one or the other of the traces is
not visible, being covered up by the other. Still, if you zoom in far enough, differences
will be noticeable.
Often there will be several additional columns (such as fix number, fix type, HDOP, and more), but those columns are
ignored by gpsLog.m.