>> load E:\mcode\plt\ini\afilt.mat % Load the afilt.mat file. The ini folder isn't usually
% on the path, so you need to specify the full path
>> load(inifile('afilt')) % Or, use this alternate way of specifying the plt\ini folder
>> figure; % This is needed if the afilt figure is still open. Otherwise freqs will
% display its results inside the afilt figure which doesn't work well.
>> freqs(num{1},den{1}); % Display the Butterworth frequency response.
>> freqs(num{2},den{2}); % Display the Bessel frequency response.
>> freqs(num{3},den{3}); % Display the Chebychev type 1 frequency response.
>> freqs(num{4},den{4}); % Display the Chebychev type 2 frequency response.
>> freqs(num{5},den{5}); % Display the Elliptic frequency response.
>> [n,d] = bilinear(num{5},den{5},.5); % In this example, we create a digital elliptic filter from the analog filter
>> freqz(n,d); % and display its frequency response using freqz or fvtool. However digital
>> fvtool(n,d); % filters are more easily designed using the erip.m application.