plt xleft EDIT 5; % exit data editing mode [t r] = cart2pol(real(z),imag(z)); % convert zeros to polar (theta,rho) c = 36/pi; [x y] = pol2cart(round(c*t)/c,r); % round angle to nearest 5 degrees h = getappdata(gcf,'Lhandles'); % list of lines [Mag Phase Zeros Poles Circle] set(h(3),'x',x,'y',y); % save quantized data to the zeros line a = get(gcf,'ResizeFcn'); feval(a{1}); % update the frequency response plotNote that the z workspace variable is used to retrieve the current zero locations but it is not sufficient to merely modify that variable. You actually have to modify the line data so that the plot gets updated. Also without the last line, the frequency response plot would not reflect the new locations of the zeros.